Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'm Back...well almost

I have been terrible about writing posts. Okay, I need a stronger word then terrible. came up with a few for me: abhorrent, appalling, atrocious, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, beastly, dangerous, desperate, dire, disastrous, disturbing, dread, dreaded, dreadful, extreme, fearful, frightful, ghastly, gruesome, harrowing, hateful, hideous, horrendous, horrid, horrifying, inconvenient. Yes, those are all good ones.

I plan to make a point to post a minimum of 3 times a week over summer break...we are about 4 weeks away from summer, so I have a few more weeks to procrastinate, but I will be writing more.

Just know for now, the kids are all doing great. They are growing like weeds. Are cute as can be, and at the moment are all healthy and happy (knock on wood). We are all looking forward to the summer break, and I am hoping the girls are going to hit a million milestones while I am home to see them.

Check back in in a month and I promise to post more frequently. For your viewing pleasure, here are a few fun pictures.

Austin being a big boy!!!

Girls being their smilie happy selfs.

Monday, December 21, 2009


The girls are here, and life has gotten a little crazy. The house is never clean, the carpet is showing spots, the paint needs to be touched up, the girls need to be bathed more often, Austin needs to get out more often, but life is perfect!

I have the most wonderful life I never really knew I wanted, and a family that most people only dream of. I always knew that Michael was the best thing to happen to me, but I am always caught off guard at just how wonderful he really is. He makes this challenging time with 2 newborns and a toddler seem like a breeze. What an angel I am married to.

At Christmas time, I like to reflect on the life I have, and all I keep thinking is Perfection!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Counting Down...

When I started this blog 6 months ago, I planned to use it to keep family in the loop on what has been happening with our little family, and low and behold I have only posted once before. I guess life just moves faster than we ever plan.

The twins Abbie and Lexi are due no later than November 7th, and we hope to bring them into the world closer to the 1st. So far there have been so many ups and downs during this pregnancy that I have felt such a broad spectrum of emotions. We are so excited to finally have our little girls join our family and start a new chapter in this crazy journey.

I am anxious about how our little Austin is going to handle the arrival of his sisters, and hope that he enjoys them as much as we do. He is such a good boy, and loves other babies, but it will be interesting to see what happens when he is overwhelmed with two little ladies invading his world.

Overall I think that one word I can use to describe the last few months is blessed, blessed to have such a wonderful family that supports us in all our needs, blessed to have such a loving son to keep my mind off of all the worries I have had, and mostly, blessed to have the most loving and supportive husband on earth. I always knew that I had something special in my loving husband, but he had been more wonderful and caring and most importantly patient with all the insanity that has been our lives throughout this pregnancy. What a wonderful life I have!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life, Love, and Family

What have I learned this year?

This question has been floating in an out of my head for the past few months, and I just laugh at all I thought I knew.

Before I was blessed with Austin, I thought my world could be complete being married to the man of my dreams. Our plan had always been to have 2 children, and for those of you that know me, you know how I LOVE to plan. We planned when we would start a family, and stayed right on track. As the time drew near for Austin to join our family I started freaking out. 9 months pregnant, irrational, scared, and looking at HUGE change right in the face, I kept asking Michael, "Are you sure we want kids, I am not sure we need them. Aren't we happy just the 2 of us?" He laughed and told me it was a little late for that...clearly. I would love to say that the moment Austin entered our lives, my mind changed, but it didn't. I suffered from a minor bout of postpartum depression, and it took me about 8 weeks until Austin became my entire world.

This was my first lesson. Love.

The love that children bring into our lives is like none a person could ever describe or replicate. I can not put into words the love that I have for my son. He is my world, my life, and the best gift I could ever be given.

The next lesson came with a change I made in my career. I thought that a move closer to home would make such great sense. I left a wonderful school, and took a position that seemed great. This year I have struggled to finish the year with a smile. Change is always hard.

Lesson two: You never know what you have until it is gone.

The final lesson (at least that I will tell you about) is the biggest of all. Michael and I decided to try for baby #2 this past summer. When it didn't happen within our "window", I said that I was tired of planning so much, and we should just let it happen. Boy oh boy, did I say more than I bargined for. We tried for nearly 7 months, and finally in March we found out we were expecting. We were thrilled, the timing wouldn't be great, right in the middle of the school year, but we finally had the finishing touch to our perfect family.

It was about 6 weeks after we found out that we were expecting that we sat in the Dr. office for our first prenatal appointment. As the ultrasound began I was desperate to see a heartbeat. The first flutter of a heartbeat was all I needed. I was over the moon, and Michael was fixated on how big the baby was. The Dr. kept repeating "baby?" everytime one of us mentioned something new about the baby. After about the 10th time she mentioned it, I looked at the ultrasound monitor with fresh ebey and nearly fell off the table. Sure enough, clear as day, was 2 very distinct babies. Twins! Wait twins?!? That's right, we were shocked. The Dr. truely seemed to enjoy how overwhelmed we were, but was great at letting us sit and soak it all in. A month went by before we got over the shock, total life change, and sheer extent of it. Now we are thrilled, and can not wait for our twins to join our family.

Final Lesson: Plan all you want, the Lord has plans too, and his will always trump yours!